Advocacy Update: Congress Has Unanimously Passed OAA Reauthorization

UPDATE: H.R. 4334 Was Unanimously Passed

On March 11, 2020, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed H.R. 4334, the Supporting Older Americans Act, which reauthorizes the Older Americans Act through FY2024. The bill was previously passed by the Senate and now goes to the President for his signature.

We are thrilled that the House took up and passed the bill during this challenging time, supporting the recognition in Congress of the vital role the OAA plays in serving our nation’s seniors.

To read the Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020 bill text, click here.

We are incredibly grateful to all of our elected officials who advocated on behalf of OAA reauthorization, and to YOU for helping make our voices stronger!

—————– Original Post from 2/05/2020 —————–

Tell Your Elected Officials How Important Supporting OAA Is to You!

FEBRUARY 5, 2020

The federal Older Americans Act (OAA) funds critical services for older adults and their caregivers in Hampton Roads, including in-home services, meals, transportation, caregiver support, evidence-based health, and wellness programs. Congressional champions in both the House and the Senate have recently introduced a bipartisan bill, the Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020, H.R. 4334, which would update the OAA to ensure that these critical programs supporting older adults and caregivers continue in Hampton Roads and around the country!

How can you help? At Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia, we are working to ensure that federal lawmakers understand how important OAA is to their constituents and are advocating for these programs alongside our national champions in Washington, DC.

However, we need YOU to help make our voices stronger! Please take a few moments to contact our elected officials to share your OAA story, educate them about these vital OAA services help older adults and caregivers in your community, and urge them to pass the Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020, H.R. 4334!

How to Take Action:

Contact Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine now to share your OAA story. You can use some of the sample language below in your outreach, but make sure to add details about the effect these programs have had on you and others in our community.

Put Your Requests in Writing.

If you can, put your requests in writing via the websites of our Senators:

Use the language below to craft your messages, but make sure to include your personal experiences about these programs.

Reach out on Social Media.

National advocates in DC have created sample social media messages that you can use to contact Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine on Facebook and/or Twitter.

Use the following social media handles for your Senators to share your support for OAA and any short stories or pictures! Remember to keep your messages positive and respectful!

Make A Few Short Phone Calls. 

If you’d rather call than write your lawmakers (or feel free to do both!), this is an easy way to be heard! Use the Capitol Switchboard (202.224.3121) to reach DC offices or look up the district office phone numbers on their websites.

Sample Script:

[IDENTIFY YOURSELF AS A CONSTITUENT AND SHARE ANY RELEVANT PERSONAL INFORMATION YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE SHARING. For example, “I live in the town of Fairmont with my husband who is living with Alzheimer’s. I am his primary caregiver, but he also receives in-home services from the Older Americans Act which allows us to be able to stay in our home of 45 years.”]

I am reaching out today to share with you how important the federal Older Americans Act is to me and to encourage you and your colleagues in Congress to pass the bipartisan reauthorization of the Act, the Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020, H.R. 4334!

Older Americans Act programs are critical to me and people like me in your state/district, and with growing numbers of older adults and more Americans living longer, we should be investing in these programs now!

H.R. 4334 is important to ensuring that vital OAA programs have the investments that they need to serve prepare for a rapidly growing population of older adults and their caregivers. Thank you.

For more information, contact Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia in Norfolk, VA:, 757. 461.9481 or the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) in Washington, DC:, 202.872.0888


Press Contacts

Debbie Schwartz
Director of Development and Community Relations