Virtual Senior Law Seminar

Elderly woman talking to attorney

Make Your Life Decisions Now, Don’t Let Others Make Them For You!

Virtual Senior Law Day was streamed live over Zoom on October 28, 2020, but you can still watch the recording below. This free virtual seminar brought together local attorneys to discuss law issues affecting seniors and their families. Topics covered included:

  • Powers of Attorney
  • Guardianship
  • Advanced Directives

Thank you to all of the attorneys who lent their time pro-bono for this virtual seminar!

  • M. Bradley Brickhouse, Oast & Taylor;
  • Jessica A. Hayes, Wolcott Rivers Gates;
  • Moderator, Caryn R. West, Parks Zeigler

If you missed the live seminar, you can still watch it here:

Additionally, the seminar PowerPoint slides can be downloaded here:

Download Slides

Questions about this event should be e-mailed to