In Home Services
We offer an array of in-home services to help older adults continue to live independently in their own homes. Our in-home services support team is here to help you find the resources you need to live with choice and dignity in your community.
Options Counseling
As we age, we need greater support and resources in order to live independently. Often, there is more than one problem...
Support for the Caregiver
Caring for an aging or chronically ill loved one may be one of the most important and selfless roles an individual will...
Homemaker Program
If you are dealing with an illness, our Homemaker Program can provide help around the house while you recover. Our staff...
Personal Care
After an illness or during a period of convalescence, our Personal Care Program can help you with bathing, food preparation,...
Senior Companion Program
Know someone who needs a friend? Our Senior Companion Program, funded by AmeriCorps, pairs homebound older adults in...
Senior Cool Care
Are you struggling to keep your home cool during the summer? If so, we may be able to assist you through the Senior...
No Wrong Door
No Wrong Door (NWD) Virginia is a virtual system and statewide network of shared resources, designed to streamline access...