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Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia will host its annual public hearing on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. The public hearing will be held in person at Senior Services’ Norfolk office as well as virtually, via video conferencing or telephone. Thus, the public will have the opportunity to see and/or hear the meeting live.

This public hearing is intended to engage community residents 60+ as well as family, caregivers, and institutions that work with older adults. These hearings provide Senior Services with valuable insight that helps outline programs and services to better address the needs of older adults in the region. Results from the hearings are used in reviewing the agency’s current FY2025 Area Plan for Aging Services for South Hampton Roads and Strategic Plan.

How to Join

For those able to attend in person, the public hearing will be held at 2551 Eltham Avenue, Suite Q, Norfolk, Virginia 23513. We kindly ask that you email by 5/28 to confirm you will be attending in person, or you can register online here. Additionally, the public can watch the live meeting online directly through the Zoom App. If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone you can see the video and hear the audio of the live session. You can participate without needing to sign up in advance. Simply click on the invite link provided and you will join as a participant (without creating an account).

You can access the Zoom event from your computer on June 4th at 1:00 PM here:


Meeting ID: 811 1381 8660

One tap mobile
+13092053325,,81113818660# US
+13126266799,,81113818660# US (Chicago)

If you wish to view the event in your browser, be sure to select “start from your browser” when navigating to the link above.

You can also listen by calling the following telephone number:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 811 1381 8660
Questions about accessing this public hearing should be e-mailed to

We Need Your Input

Senior Services invites area residents to complete an online survey ( by May 29, 2024. All responses are confidential. Please take a few moments to help us continue providing services that are beneficial to the growing senior population. Your valuable input is more important than ever.